Usually an image crops up in our mind whenever we talk about referral marketing or network marketing where ladies selling tupperwear while chatting and eating sandwiches, or an aggressive sales person leaves no stone unturned to convince you how easily you can become a millionaire if only you and your friends and their friends and so on would purchase and sell a particular product with him.
Network Marketing is actually a marketing strategy where you compensate the salesperson not only for the sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of the other salespersons that they engage. Whereas, with iPointz Referral Programs you don't need to hire any sales team or to train any salesperson, but you simply give referral rewards to your customers for bringing in new customers and this forms a long chain of loyal customers, and that eventually impacts your sales figures and Gross profits.
The iPointz Referral Program uses the best technology like NFC (Near Field Communication and SaaS model) with the focus on maximum ROI and assures a firm commitment to customer satisfaction. It works the following three ways-
Refer a Friend
You can reward your customers whenever they refer their friend or colleague or someone else. Your customers become volunteer salesperson for you and this not only increase the number of customers, but customers encourage, as well to buy more and more frequently, and this subsequently enhances your revenues.
Brand Advocacy
Now you can leverage your brand champions for word of mouth marketing with iPointz Referral Programs. It enables you to satisfy your customers, which in turn, convert your satisfied customers to your brand advocates. They talk about your brand everywhere in their social circle and thus create a clamor for your brand. This way more customers get attracted to your brand, and this overall increases the customers footfall followed by increased sales.